- ECI infos
- Toutes les infos sur le modem Eci Hi-Focus: Infos/Docs; links (liens); downloads; forum [fr]
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http://eci.yoopla.org/ (Added: 16-Dec-2001 Hits: 1714 Rating: 1.20 Votes: 5)
- ECI Telecom Hi-FOCuS ATU-R System Description
- Features: ATM QoS; ATM OAM; AIS/RDI and PM; DMT ADSL chipset; RFC-1483 route and bridge, PPP over ATM, NAT, PAT, DHCP server, SNMP, PPPoE, L2TP, and PPTP, Remote software download, Ethernet 10BT
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http://www.ecitele.com/solutions_adsl_system_atu.htm (Added: 16-Dec-2001 Hits: 1093 Rating: 1.00 Votes: 1)
- forum Hifocus.net
- Thread sur le hack du modem Hi-Focus avec captures d'écran
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http://www.hifocus.net/phpBB/viewtopic.php?topic=550&forum=7&9 (Added: 17-Dec-2001 Hits: 596 Rating: 0 Votes: 0)
- hacking du modem ECI ethernet FR
- topic du forum hardware.fr
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http://forum.hardware.fr/forum2.php3?post=44756&cat=4&config=&interface=0&cache=cache&p=1&sondage=&owntopic=&trash= (Added: 6-Apr-2002 Hits: 1352 Rating: 5.00 Votes: 2)
- Hacking du modem ethernet ECI Hi-focus [fr]
- fr thread in a message-board
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http://www.hifocus.net/phpBB/viewtopic.php?mode=viewtopic&topic=550&forum=7&start=40 (Added: 16-Dec-2001 Hits: 1716 Rating: 7.75 Votes: 4)
- Photos http-configuration page
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http://eci-asu.ifrance.com/ (Added: 19-May-2002 Hits: 876 Rating: 8.00 Votes: 1)
- [de] Das ADSL-Modem 'ECI ANet4U' aka 'Inovia B-FOCuS'
- Bei 40 192 894-091 handelt es sich um die Material-Nummer der Telekom-Technik, es ist UR-2 fähig.
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http://www.kordewiner.de/adsl/eci/ (Added: 20-Feb-2002 Hits: 565 Rating: 0 Votes: 0)
- [de] Modem hat eine IP?
- Aus onlinekosten.de forum Provider, Telcos: Alternative Übertragungsarten: T-DSL - Forum
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http://www.onlinekosten.de/forum/showflat.php?Board=tdsl&Number=502819 (Added: 12-Feb-2002 Hits: 346 Rating: 0 Votes: 0)
- BDM4GDB interface-project
- This project site continue the work done by Frank Przybylski and his BDM interface for MPC860 with gdb access. Frank and I would like to see more people join our intention to get full support within GDB debbug the Embedded PowerPC hardware using the BDM (perhaps the JTAG) interface.
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http://bdm4gdb.sourceforge.net/ (Added: 25-May-2002 Hits: 166 Rating: 0 Votes: 0)
- CERT® Advisory CA-2001-08 Multiple Vulnerabilities in Alcatel ADSL Modems
- Alcatel ADSL modems grant unauthenticated TFTP access via Bounce Attacks, Alcatel ADSL modems provide EXPERT administrative account with an easily reversible encrypted password, Alcatel ADSL modems contain a null default password, Alcatel ADSL modems provide unauthenticated TFTP access via physical access to the WAN interface
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http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2001-08.html (Added: 6-Apr-2002 Hits: 180 Rating: 0 Votes: 0)
- CIVCOM executive-team: Nadav Cohen, B.sc.
- Maybe working for ECI 2000/ together with Lior Ben-Shmuel?
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http://www.civcom.com/About/team.html#7 (Added: 7-Apr-2002 Hits: 107 Rating: 0 Votes: 0)
- Comment doubler les debits Netissiomo1 vers Netissimo2 …
- … avec modem speed touch home sans payer? Raphael Bouaziz (bouaziz@nerim.net): Alcatel-DSLAM and [maintenance_dslam@noc.netissimo:cscnoc]
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http://jjaf.de/cache/news/slrn9gqsaa.l5.bouaziz@marine.noc.nerim.net (Added: 14-Apr-2002 Hits: 523 Rating: 0 Votes: 0)
- Deutsche Telekom AG: Description of the U-R2 Interface of ADSL Systems
- version 5.0 (formerly version 4.3, http://telekom.de/dtag/downloads/Schnitt_U-R2.pdf; version 3.0, 2001-09-10 http://www.telekom.de/ipl2/statics/10558/downloads/ADSL/U-R2_3-0_Englisch2.pdf; thx webmaster@telekom.de :-( )
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http://telekom.de/dtag/downloads/1/1TR112_U-R2-v5.0.pdf (Added: 21-May-2002 Hits: 487 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 1)
- ECI Telecom PCP/FMS/FRS Documentation
- PCP/FMS/FRS manuals, ECI Field Change Notices
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http://www.ecitelecom.nl/doc/ (Added: 20-Mar-2002 Hits: 495 Rating: 1.00 Votes: 1)
- Funduc-software: Search and Replace for Windows
- Search and Replace looks through multiple files for a string and can also replace it with another string. It can search subdirectories and ZIP files and do case sensitive or insensitive searches. Extensive support for grep style regular expression search & replacements includes operations that span more than one line, incrementing number replacements, and inserting the path & filename in replaced files. Binary search & replace is also available. Great for memory-dumps
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http://www.funduc.com/search_replace.htm (Added: 5-Apr-2002 Hits: 102 Rating: 0 Votes: 0)
- Looking at an 860 stack-frame under VxWorks (Vic Sperry, 2000-10-18)
- GPR1 is the stack frame pointer. Upon entry to a function, this register points to a two-word (8-byte) memory location set up by the calling function. The first word contains the caller's stack linkage pointer. The second word is uninitialized and used by the current function to store the link register (LR). The stack grows towards smaller addresses.
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http://www.xs4all.nl/~borkhuis/vxworks/ppcStack.txt (Added: 6-Apr-2002 Hits: 121 Rating: 0 Votes: 0)
- The official page for the Mame and Mess project for Digita enabled cameras. These operate on the same Architechutre as ECI ATU-R, just to let you see whats possible. Check download-section. developer/crossgcc-ppc was used to genrate allow TGTSVR-connection.
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http://digita.mame.net/ (Added: 6-Apr-2002 Hits: 139 Rating: 0 Votes: 0)
- Photos of Hi-FOCuS ATU-R REV.A1
- Eight different 1024*768 Photos
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http://www.hkultraline.com/html/device_hkt_eci.html (Added: 20-Mar-2002 Hits: 366 Rating: 0 Votes: 0)
- VxHacks-archive
- Maybe "gdb-vxdump" can help converting dump to object-file?
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http://www.xs4all.nl/~borkhuis/vxworks/ftp/vxhacks/ (Added: 5-Apr-2002 Hits: 291 Rating: 9.00 Votes: 1)
- WindRiver VxWorks 5.4
- RTOS of the unit: VxWorks® is the fundamental run-time component of the Tornado II embedded development platform, and the most widely adopted real-time operating system (RTOS) in the embedded industry. VxWorks is flexible, scalable, reliable, and available on all popular CPU platforms.
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http://www.windriver.com/products/html/vxwks54.html (Added: 16-Dec-2001 Hits: 235 Rating: 0 Votes: 0)